DON'T BE AN ASS: Rule #1 of roleplay applies: don't blur IC and OOC, and don't be rude to your fellow writers.
REALISM: Be realistic with storylines. We are not policing things like pregnancy or drug use, but heavier subjects such as these should be researched before proceeding. Any real world consquences to actions will apply in-game as well.
ACTIVITY: Activity requirements will be lax, but we do want active members. We require at least two random posts per month and participation in a monthly activity check (which will be in the form of a free-for-all). If you are actively commenting and socializing, you are fine; if not, we may ask you to drop. All we're looking for are obvious signs of life.
BEFORE APPLYING: Please make sure to have a directory or post with a brief blurb about your character (name, age, and a paragraph or two of information are our minimum requirements) as well as your character's credits and claims. All journals must be IC (no underscores or hyphens). Please try to keep played-bys within realistic standards in terms of age.
CREDITS: Please be realistic about credits. Not every movie an actor is in is a good one, and filming any more than three or four roles per year would be exhausting, not to mention hard to schedule. If you plan on having both acting and music credits, keep in mind that Taylor Swift probably doesn't have time do star in two Oscar-worthy roles while touring.
AGE APPROPRIATE ROLES: We ask that any roles chosen are age appropriate. We won't be strict with the five-year rule (taking credits of actors within five years of your character's age), but this is a good guideline to follow. If your character is 42, they likely won't be cast in the part that a 21 year old actress just won in reality. We will be pretty lenient with credits but will likely step in if we feel a role is inappropriate. Please don't hesitate to ask us if you are unsure!